Disinfecting and Sanitizing in Horticultural and Hydroponic Settings
A. To disinfect non-porous hard surfaces, including stainless steel, glazed tile, sealed concrete, and sealed, finished wood used in horticultural applications:
1. Activate GC 30 according to “Directions for Use” on package label.
2. Pre-clean all surfaces prior to application of disinfectant solution. Sweep and remove all plant debris. Use power sprayer to wash all surfaces to remove loose dirt.
3. Prepare solutions in indicated concentrations and ensure surfaces are wetted and remain visibly wet for the times noted below in the instruction number 6 associated with the desired application.
4. Dispose of package and spent envelope according to directions on package label.
5. Prepare a 100 ppm solution of GC 30 OR prepare a 500 ppm solution of GC 30 and use a 1:5 dilution device (one part 500 ppm solution to four parts water).
6. Spray or swab work area and bench surfaces with the 100 ppm solution before each work period and again after each planting is completed. Spray or swab evaporative cooler surfaces, ensuring visible wetness for at least ten (10) minutes. When applying these solutions using a high-pressure sprayer, wear a NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator appropriate for chlorine dioxide.
5. Prepare a 100 ppm of GC 30 OR prepare a 500 ppm solution of GC 30 and dilute by adding one part 500 ppm solution to four parts water.
6. Brush or wash used pots and flats, and then soak in the 100 ppm solution for at least ten (10) minutes before reuse. Soak tools with 100 ppm solution for at least ten (10) minutes.
7. Discard solution in sanitary drain or as ordinary non-hazardous waste. Do not reuse solution.
At end of workday, dry and oil tools.
B. To sanitize work area non-porous (non-food contact) hard surfaces, hard-surface benches, pots, flats, flower buckets and cutting tools:
1. Activate GC 30 according to “Directions for Use” on package label.
2. Pre-clean all surfaces prior to application of sanitizing solution. Sweep and remove all plant debris. Use power sprayer to wash all surfaces to remove loose dirt.
3. Prepare a 20 ppm solution of GC 30 or prepare a 500 ppm solution of GC 30 and use a 1:25 dilution device or add one part 500 ppm solution to 24 parts water.
4. Brush or wash used pots and flats then swab or soak in the 20 ppm solution for at least five (5) minutes before reuse. Spray, swab or soak tools with 20 ppm solution for at least five (5) minutes. Spray or swab work area and bench surfaces before each work period and again after each plant is completed.
5. Dispose of package and spent envelope according to instructions on package label. At end of workday, dry and oil tools.
Verify concentrations of Gard'nClean Liquid with Wide Range Test Strips.
For more information please reach out to a Gard'nClean Advisor at hello@gardnclean.com or 888-369-1975.