Gard'nClean Liquid: Disinfection of Bathrooms, Shower Rooms, Locker Rooms, Spas, and Laundry Rooms.

To disinfect sinks, toilet bowls/seats/handles, empty baths, showers, changing tables, washers, hair dryers, clothes dryers, hand dryers, sinks, faucets and other hard, non-porous surfaces found in bathrooms, shower rooms, locker rooms, spas, laundry

A. Treatment of toilet seats, toilet handles, empty baths, showers, changing tables, washers, hair dryers, clothes dryers, hand dryers sinks, faucets, and other hard, non-porous surfaces:

1. Activate GC 30 according to "Directions for Use" on package label.

2. Clean all surfaces thoroughly with a suitable detergent and rinse with water prior to disinfection. Ensure that all surfaces have adequate time to air dry before applying GC Solution.

3. Prepare a 100 ppm solution of activated GC 30 OR prepare a 500 ppm solution of activated GC 30 and use a 1:5 dilution device (one part 500 ppm solution to four parts water).

4. Spray, mop or sponge the 100 ppm solution onto surfaces to be disinfected. All surfaces must be visibly wet for at least ten (10) minutes. When spraying disinfectant solution, use an appropriate spraying device. When applying these solutions using a high-pressure sprayer, wear a NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator appropriate for chlorine dioxide.

5. After disinfecting, allow surfaces or equipment to air dry. Do not reuse solution. Do not rinse disinfected surfaces.

6. Dispose of package and spent envelope according to instructions on package label.

B. Treatment of toilet bowls:

1. Activate GC 30 according to "Directions for Use" on package label.

2. Prepare a 100 ppm solution of activated GC 30 OR prepare a 500 ppm solution of GC 30 and use a 1:5 dilution device (one part 500 ppm solution to four parts water). Flush toilet and clean toilet bowl thoroughly with a suitable detergent to ensure that bowl is free of urine and gross filth prior to disinfection.

3. Add GC 30 to toilet bowl until concentration of chlorine dioxide in toilet water is 100 ppm. Verify concentration using Gard'nClean® Test Strips.

4. Stir water gently for one minute. Let water sit for 20 minutes, then flush toilet.

5. Dispose of package and spent envelope according to instructions on package label. Do not reuse solution.

For more information please reach out to a Gard'nClean Advisor at or 888-369-1975.